& Goals


The current research project is entitled “Paths to Sound”. It sees itself as an approach to the phenomenon of sound, in which the sound is described, among other things, as a formative being, as a movement being, as a time being, as a breathing being, as a relationship being, as a will-being, as a heavenly being.

The individual contributions are given by Peter Kraul, Thomas Adam, Stefan Hasler, Steffen Hartmann, Torben Maiwald, Lothar Reubke, Johannes Greiner, Iru Mun, Christian Ginat, Johann Sonnleitner, Ingrid Everwijn, Matthias Bölts and others.

After a series of colloquia, a publication is planned for Easter 2023 that summarizes the topic as an anthology. The project takes place in cooperation with the Section for the Performing Arts at the Goetheanum.

The overarching goal of the research area is the development of the basic lines of a spiritual theory of music, in which the essence of music can appear in a contemporary form. The research approach is based on phenomenological and meditative methods and is expanded by perspectives from the history of consciousness.

The previous research topics were, among other things, the seven intervals, the twelve tones and musical keys, as well as the question of the spiritualization of listening and the heart as a future organ of listening.


Music &


»If you want to experience it consciously, there is no other way of experiencing music than anthroposophically.« – Rudolf Steiner said on March 8, 1923. With this, Steiner points to the intimate relationship between music and anthroposophy.

Imbued with awareness, today it is possible to reconnect with the old stream, which saw the essence of music unfold in the trinity of musica instrumentalis, musica humana and musica mundana. The essence of the human being can be recognized in the mirror of the musical works and elements, the development of human consciousness in the mirror of the history of music and the different musical cultures and tonal systems. In the development of active, creative listening, the basis of the ability to inspire arises, which can be increased in its further development to spiritual listening, i.e. the liestening experience of spiritual beings.

For me, the central research concern in the field of music is to show the spiritual bridge from everyday consciousness to the spiritual home of music and people, as well as to develop ways for a spiritually conscious reliving of the following Novalis words: “Actually, in my view, the musical conditions seem to be the fundamental conditions of nature.”

Matthias Bölts, January 2020

Further reading:
– Michael Kurtz „Rudolf Steiner und die Musik“
– Andreas Delor „Neue Musik und Anthroposophie“
– Hans Erik Deckert „Mensch und Musik“
– Gunhild von Kries „Aus Liebe zur Musik“


The deeper the silence, the higher the inspiration. N. N.




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